Weekly Posting of the Conservative Cow Doctor


A Dying Breed and The Cause

On Monday the 18th I was honored to address my 19th tea party of this political season. Just like everywhere else, the crowd in Broadus yearns for The Cause; American freedom. I will never remember the names of everyone with whom I have shaken hands because inventorying 100 new faces in two hours are beyond my capability. However, it seems at each rally a wise, weathered and wrinkled patriot steps forward and says something which touches me so deeply I will carry their passion for liberty until the day God calls me home. In Broadus, it was John.

John is 89 and one of the remaining few of a dying breed. He was seasoned during his years of service in World War II and likely has seen horrors few understand. I didn’t ask. John serves The Cause alone now as his trophy wife has resided in a nursing home for the last couple years. After I stepped from behind the rostrum, he gripped my hand, looked in my eyes and said “I am more scared for my country today than at anytime in my life.”
He doubts he will live to see the day our great American republic regains its brilliance as the shining light of liberty to the world. He is probably right. As it took nearly a century to incrementally destroy freedom, it will take nearly as long to restore it. Yet, restore it we must!

America has become a nation where a citizen of need is held in higher esteem than one of production; the greater your achievements the more evil you are portrayed. An entire political movement is powered by promising the populace gifts from the production class. When producers could no longer meet the demand for “things”, politicians began gifting from the labors of workers not yet born and rulers have promised13.3 trillion dollars more in gifts than they had in Santa’s bag. We must change this mindset.

More frighteningly, history is being purposely rewritten to down play what it means to be an American. I have heard all the apologies I can stand. All the wondrous medical and scientific achievements which have relieved suffering around the world originated because God endowed America with the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. When you are an American, achievement has no limits and I am not sorry if that offends you.

John, you are right. The great American restoration will not happen in your lifetime, but I pledge to you I will do everything I can to be certain it happens in mine. Attention patriots: It’s not over on Election Day. November 2nd is but one single skirmish in our war for The Cause. There are no failures in our War for Re-Independence, only results. Learn from them and carry on.

If your community has a Tea Party, join it; if it doesn’t, then form one. The Cause was an idea argued in every colonial tavern in 1776 and one which must be re-argued today. This country was founded on sacrifice, if you don’t step forward, who will? Be the patriot who makes the difference. Call me; I will speak anywhere and any time for The Cause.

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