Weekly Posting of the Conservative Cow Doctor


Guess Who

Last Thursday evening, Druann and I attended a Fellowship of Christian Cowboys,
gathering at the Saylor-Faber Ranch of Buffalo, Montana. Although these events occur
nine times per year, our schedules combined with the 120 mile drive, makes our
attendance too infrequent. We drove home under the light of the full moon, and other
than the ugly, taxpayer-subsidized, wind generators north of Judith Gap, it was a postcard
picturesque night. Because I have been suffering from writer’s block, and was
feeling the pressure of an early column deadline, I was hoping Thursday’s activities
would jar a topic from my mind. It did.

Next week, all school children in America will receive a direct school time, taxpayer
funded infomercial from President Obama. This is dangerously unprecedented. The
matter is being sold to create excitement for education with the president encouraging
everyone to do their best. I am concerned leftists will instead use manipulative
techniques to advance their socialist agenda. If you disagree indoctrination is happening,
why does our citizenry now blindly accept the preposterous theory that man’s miniscule
carbon emissions are dangerously heating the earth, when the earth is actually cooling in
the presence of those higher carbon dioxide levels? The populace has been brainwashed,
and those of us on the freedom side of the political spectrum, are gravely concerned with
this aggressive move by the president.

Socialist supporters claim the solution to any problem is open dialogue and debate. Thus
we see the left portray Iranian President Achmadinejad addressing Columbia University
in 2007, as a demonstration of their awareness and tolerance of others.

I find it interesting how the left selectively applies this openness. There is one individual
the left deems as far too radical to be given free access to our school system. Not only
will He never be given an open forum, the mere mention of His name is strictly
prohibited. So who is this individual they deem too dangerous for school? It is God.
Think about it.

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