Weekly Posting of the Conservative Cow Doctor


Cow's Don't Lie

 “Watch her…WATCH HER,” Roger boomed to the rest of us as he jumped to the safety of the bottom plank of the corral. Those of us working around the squeeze chute knew the drill and quickly joined him on the fence. Roger was massive and when he hollered the sound was deep and rumbling like it began way down in his irrigating boots, roared up his chest and then bellowed out his mouth. Leaping to the fence became routine.

Roger’s corrals were a unique design. The squeeze chute was located three-fourths of the way down a long skinny pen so that every cow released stood in the same small pen as the chute crew. In the beginning this wasn’t a problem, but after 30 critters, the area in front of the chute became a mass of panicked cows looking for someplace to run. Finally a high-headed old bag would stampede the group past us to the security of the far end of the corral. Since the pen was only ten feet wide and the chute occupied four of those that left a narrow space of six feet for our supplies, Roger, three cowboys, one skinny veterinarian and 30 stampeding cows. Hence, when the wildest cow gave the signal she was going to bolt, Roger would boom the “watch her” warning and everyone jumped to the fence. This operating system was safe and reliable for three principle reasons:

First, I was faster than Roger and the chute crew so I was always the first one on the fence.

Second, Roger had been chasing this same herd for seventy years so he could read which cow was going to charge by the way she held her head and cranked her tail.

Third, and most importantly, cows don’t lie. Once you learn their non-verbal cues, cows tell you exactly what they are going to do and how fast they are going to do it. Animals are not capable of lying; that trait is unique to humans and it is a characteristic perfected by left-leaning politicians.

The socialists, now in unstoppable control in Washington, lied to pass the Waxman-Markey climate-change bill. This bill is not about climate-change, it’s never been about climate-change, it’s about control. This legislation is a greater assault on our freedom than the combined effect of all laws passed in the previous 230 years of our country.

There is overwhelming consensus among the scientific community that man’s carbon footprint as a cause of global climate-change is a complete fraud. It is a hoax, a scam, a con, a dupery, a put-on, a tarradiddle, twaddle, a spoof, a joke, a mockery, tommyrot, a charade and a fake. Yet, the socialists successfully advanced this theory to allow them a strangle-hold around the wallet of every American.

If you know what regulation is hidden inside this carbon-tax bill then you are better informed than the Congressman who passed this 1200 page monstrosity; most never read it. If the Senate passes this bill and the President signs it, and I expect both will, here are a few things to think about:

1. Your food and energy bills will skyrocket. Every year somewhere in your budget you must find thousands of extra dollars to heat and light your home, fuel your car and feed your family.

2. To offset this cost, the bill declares that people earning less than 150% of the federal poverty rate will receive a monthly direct cash deposit into their bank accounts. Yet again the government shifts money from taxpayers who have earned it to people who have not.

3. You will not be allowed to sell your home until a government eco-examiner approves its sale. Upon inspection you will be given a list of eco-friendly green upgrades you must make to your home. Picture it like this: Your great-aunt Gertrude died and left you her 1920’s farmhouse. The single-pane windows and coal-fired furnace will need replaced before you will get your “Certificate for Occupancy” and can sell the house. If you can’t afford that, expect the house to be demolished and turned into green-space. How’s that for economic freedom?

4. Cenex Harvest States refinery is the economic lifeline of my hometown, Laurel Montana. Combined, the refinery here and their one in Kansas will pay in excess of $800 million dollars annually in new carbon taxes. Every one of those tax dollars sent to Washington is a dollar that will not be invested in things like worker’s salaries, expansion of services or the creation of new jobs. Cenex will get the money to pay these higher carbon taxes to solve climate-change, a problem over which we have no control from the consumer filling their fuel tank with $6, $8 or $10 dollar per gallon gasoline.

Do you understand the real reason leftist politicians support legislation that will drive the cost of living beyond the earning abilities of average Americans? Reread item #2. Outrageous energy bills will create dependency on aid programs. The governed will be at the mercy of the governing; certainly a switch from the “consent of the governed” wordage in our Declaration of Independence. If you sit up straight and mind your manners your masters will throw you crumbs to pay your utility bills. Certainly they couldn’t tell you their true agenda right up front could they?

Freedom loving conservatives will attempt to eliminate this ridiculous program and they will be portrayed as being against the poor. The government will then blame high energy costs on evil oil companies (reread item #4) and the state run media will report that as fact. Look how well this political maneuver has worked for Social Security.

Is this the change America voted for in 2008? I’ll take a herd of stampeding cows over socialist politicians any day. At least cows don’t lie to advance their hidden agenda.

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