Tying-Up Kansas

Weekly Posting of the Conservative Cow Doctor

Tying-up Kansas

I received a mysterious 13-digit number voicemail Thursday evening. It was granddaughter, Clara, calling from a satellite phone in the Dry Fork Canyon to alert me I could have a horse running loose on the face. After nine hours in triple-digit heat trailing cattle up the Big Horns, her horse, Kansas, completely played out in the bottom of a canyon. Exhausted and dehydrated he was developing tying-up syndrome where his muscles build up deadly levels of lactic acid. Even walking an afflicted horse can kill them. Clara recognized his condition, so she unsaddled him, turned him loose and hoofed it out of the canyon. Had Clara tied Kansas to a tree, he would have died tied to a tree. Had she walked him to the creek, he would have died walking to the creek. She made the right call. The next day, Clara returned with a fresh horse, retrieved her saddle, and noticed Kansas tracks leading down to the creek. Hoping for the best, Clara spent the next two days trailing cattle to timberline not knowing the next chapters of the Kansas story.

Sunday morning, Clara, the trophy wife, and I drove up the TR Bench to look for Kansas. It was a two-hour hike from the end of the road to where Kansas was last seen, and we were not equipped for such an assault. Discouraged, we jostled down the jeep road towards the ranch stopping to peer off every rim giving us a view of the canyon. If Kansas was alive, he could be anywhere. At our last stop, I spotted a dark object in the shadows of the timber one mile across the canyon. I had just finished a plumbing project at the ranch, so my pickup was packed with pex fittings and pipe wrenches, but no binoculars. We enlarged a digital photo and decided the object was a horse, a moose, or a shadow. Cautiously optimistic, Clara and I hustled to the bottom of the canyon and up through the timber on the far side. We crested the ridge, climbed through a couple small parks and suddenly, there he was. Our shadow, our moose, was Kansas. We scratched his nose, slipped a loop around his neck, and led him back across the canyon. It was an enormous relief having Kansas back and this brings me to my point.

The Democratic-Socialists have so exposed their Marxist underbelly there is a great chance even their most loyal supporters will cancel them at the next election. It will be a great feeling when the gullible class rejects the climate con, Covid hoaxes and wealth redistribution lies of the ruling class and join we patriots in the thinking class. Just like Kansas, America will be back.


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