
Weekly Posting of the Conservative Cow Doctor


There is an enormous difference between regurgitating and vomiting and human infants are world champion regurgitators. I remember seeing ten-month-old granddaughter, Mae, clear two rows of bleachers by spewing a pint of breastmilk across the hardwood. Mae was as surprised by the sudden reappearance of her dinner as were those sitting nearby. Regurgitation is passive, requiring no thought or effort. Now to vomiting.

The trophy wife and I took Blinker, our young Aussie pup, camping this weekend. Shortly after 3 o’clock Saturday morning, Blinker roused us by repeatedly retching in the kitchen. We both pretended to sleep hoping the other would crawl out of bed and deal with the upcoming crisis; a technique mastered by fathers with young children. With one, loud, violent gag, Blinker expelled the offending substance, licked his lips, and fell back asleep. We kept faking it and soon fell asleep as well. While making coffee in the dawn’s early light, I spotted a chunk of chewed nylon strap from the flip-flop Blinker had devoured three days earlier. Apparently, what seemed tasty on Wednesday had soured and needed to be expelled on Saturday and this brings me to my point.

This difference between regurgitating and vomiting is also evident in politics with progressives relying entirely on regurgitation to advance Marxism. Like Mae spitting up milk, blind followers of liberalism reflexively spew talking points with no thought, logic, effort, or evidence. Karens demanding mask and vaccination mandates while belittling vitamin D, ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, and fenofibrate are mindlessly repeating the state sanctioned lie. As Ronald Reagan said, “It is not that my liberal friends are ignorant, it is that so much of what they know to be true, just is not so.” Now, on to political vomiting.

Eventually, all the leftist garbage the little people have thoughtlessly swallowed will sour like a slobbery sandal strap and be vomited. Discovering the truth will be cleansing but like a puddle of gastric juices on the camper floor, it will not be pretty. If you believe the ruling class has your best interest at heart, explain why those demanding government needle jabs for your safety, are the same folks who are leaving thousands of Americans stranded behind enemy lines in Afghanistan. Think about it. You have been conned and the sooner you upchuck the fibs the better you will feel. If it is any consolation, liberal lies like mask mandates, Covid pokes and climate change, make me puke too, so I do not swallow them in the first place.


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