Weekly Posting of the Conservative Cow Doctor


Whoops; My Mistake

It was a perfect Tuesday morning in April about 20 years ago; at least it began such. Lorraine’s sorrel mare Blaze was suffering gut spasms and every few moments Blaze would suddenly drop to the ground and roll. Sometimes the trailer ride to the clinic solves the problem, but the mare was still hurting when she arrived. I snaked a stomach tube down her nose, pumped in a half-gallon of mineral oil and then turned to give her the intravenous pain killer, Banamine.

With the needle in my right hand and the syringe in my shirt pocket, I held off the jugular vein with my left hand. Blaze didn’t flinch as I quickly slipped the needle into her vein. With dark blood slowly dripping out the needle hub, I reattached the syringe and steadied my hand against her neck. A gut spasm hit, Blaze humped up and staggered sideways, so I stepped with her. I aspirated a tiny quantity of blood into the syringe to be certain I was still in the jugular. “Wow, that blood is really red,” I thought to myself the instant I injected a tiny amount of the medication.

Experienced veterinarians recognize my needle had passed through the jugular and was in the carotid artery. They know what happened next. Banamine does incredible things when you inject it directly into the carotid artery where it blasts straight to a horse’s brain. (Imagine a rock band complete with a laser-light show, performing a concert inside your skull.) The three of us started in the stall, then exploded to the parking lot, then back in the stall, in the dumpster, out of the dumpster, on the ground, in the air, up the wall, and then back in the parking lot. It was the wildest ten minutes of my life.

There are drugs which are fatal when injected in the carotid; fortunately for me Banamine isn’t one of them. Unfortunately for Blaze, it only seems like it will be fatal. Then, just as suddenly as it started, the rock band pulled the plug on the light show and left the stage. Blaze was sweaty and panting, Lorraine was sweaty and panting, and I was sweaty and panting. On the bright side, Blaze’s colic pain was gone.

There are two types of large animal veterinarians, those who have mistakenly injected medication into the carotid artery, and those who are going to. I am glad mine is out of the way. I made this confession to show that all professionals are capable of making mistakes. Mine was due to a split-second of inattentiveness; certainly nothing I would do purposely. What would you think of a professional who intentionally committed such an error because they were financially rewarded for doing so? Rather than temporary, what if the damage they created lasted a lifetime? I am speaking of climate-change scientists who intentionally distort data to advance a political agenda, thereby profiting from a scam. Here is proof of damages.

On February 16, 2010 the Montana Land Board held a public hearing to lower the bid-price for state coal to 15 cents per ton. Missoula Big Sky High School student Allison Lawrence testified as an opponent. Intentionally misinformed about carbon emissions, she emotionally asked, “For what price are you willing to sell a piece of your children’s future? We are the ones who must live with the emissions (with) which you leave our great state.” Her ignorance demonstrates the damage.

The European media is filled with reports of the unraveling climate-change fraud perpetrated by scientists of the UN IPCC. The US media is abidingly silent. Unfortunately, an entire generation of Americans has been indoctrinated rather than educated and is completely ignorant of scientific principles. This void of logic is pandemic and has infected Ms Lawrence, her high school science teachers and their college professors. Unless Ms Lawrence takes the initiative to re-educate herself she will never learn the truth about man’s carbon emissions and climate-change. Instead, she and her generation will remain misinformed political pawns. That is a crime.

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