Weekly Posting of the Conservative Cow Doctor


You’re the Greatest

Bear with me, this is ticklish. Let’s assume you have hired a lady of the evening and after receiving cash for services rendered she says, “You are the greatest I have ever had.” Since she profits through deception, do you believe her? Probably not, that is my point and this brings me to politics.

Ronald Reagan made the observation that the world’s second oldest profession, politics, bears a striking resemblance to the world’s oldest profession, prostitution. When politicians make profound claims ask yourself how they benefit if you believe them.

Al Gore and his Nobel Prize winning UN IPCC comrades will profit greatly by the implementation of a global carbon tax because they are carbon-credit bookies. They are banking (and that is the correct word) that 51% of the population will be too ignorant to understand their deception. (A 2006 National Science Foundation survey found 24 percent of Americans did not know the earth revolves around the sun, so they are half way there.) They claim, and the main stream media willingly reports, consensus has been reached and the majority of scientists agree carbon emissions are causing climate change. Consider the following two facts.

Scientific fact is not established by majority vote. If it were, their position dissolves as over 31,000 scientists have signed a declaration “there is no convincing evidence human release of carbon dioxide is causing catastrophic heating of the earth’s atmosphere.” (www.PetitionProject.org) Fewer than 200 scientists of the UN IPCC continue to advance man-caused climate change. (So much for consensus.)

Scientific fact is established by offering and then repeatedly testing a hypothesis. If you declare that every time “A” is raised it raises “B”, then it must occur each and every time. If you raise “A”, and “B” does not raise, a causative relationship doesn’t exist. Carbon dioxide emissions have risen since the 1800’s yet temperatures have gone up, down, back up and then back down. No causative relationship exists.

I could write pages explaining dozens of instances where climate-changers intentionally discarded data contrary to their hypothesis, thereby advancing only favorable data. The European media is filled with such reports. The fact they were willing to prostitute their data even once discredits them entirely. They knowingly and purposely perpetuated a fraud and progressives in this country continue to do so.

To apply my opening point, ask yourself how 31,000 scientists and me, benefit if you believe there is no causative relationship between carbon emissions and climate change? Answer: Our only benefit is freedom, and that benefits you as well.

On the other hand, if you believe Al Gore and his crowd, you make them rich. Every climate change solution they offer involves the transfer of wealth, via the selling and buying of carbon-credits in the new green economy. When the carbon-credits transfer, the bookie handling the exchange pockets a small amount of cash. Al Gore’s net worth has climbed from $2 million in 2000, to over $100 million in 2008 and he stands to become a “green” billionaire if the UN implements the global carbon tax.

In politics and prostitution, ask yourself, “How do you benefit if I believe what you are telling me?” Logic dictates you probably aren’t the greatest she has ever had and man’s emission of carbon dioxide is not affecting the climate

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